
Architecture is a fascinating field because it combines art and design. Buildings not only provide shelter, but also reflect the culture and ideas of a society at a certain point in time. Some structures are older than others, but they share similar purposes, such as protecting people from weather or creating a community space. However, modern architecture is more innovative than traditional styles because architects now use advanced technology to construct taller and more durable buildings.
One of the most striking differences between old and modern buildings is the variety of materials. In the past, people relied on natural materials like stone, wood, and brick. Today, we use steel and glass, which are much lighter than older materials. They also allow architects to design larger windows and more open spaces. As a result, contemporary buildings are often brighter than older ones.
Some people prefer classic architecture because it seems more timeless than the latest trends. Others appreciate modern architecture for its efficiency and creativity. A good architect tries to create harmony between a building’s appearance, function, and environment. This can be more challenging than it appears, but the rewards are worth the effort.
In conclusion, architecture continues to evolve, and each new idea builds on the past. By learning from older designs and experimenting with modern techniques, architects can create spaces that are more comfortable and visually appealing than ever before. This constant process of change helps shape our cities and inspires us to imagine better structures in the future.
Q1. Why are recent buildings seen as more cutting-edge than older ones, based on the passage?
- Because they generally offer less protection from heavy weather conditions.
- Because older architectural styles never included any artistic expression at all.
- Because architects now incorporate advanced technology in their designs.
- Because they rely exclusively on stone and brick resources.
Q2. What is one major difference between traditional and contemporary buildings, according to the text?
- Historic structures were always larger than modern buildings, regardless of style.
- Previous designs included minimal windows, whereas new architecture maximizes exterior glass.
- Traditional architects built with only wooden frames, while modern creators often avoid such materials.
- Older buildings relied heavily on natural materials, while contemporary ones employ lighter, high-tech components.
Q3. Which choice best expresses how some people feel about classic styles?
- They consider old designs to hold timeless qualities that go beyond eras.
- They think ancient architecture is too elaborate for modern cityscapes.
- They believe historical structures lack any visual appeal or purpose.
- They find classic styles appealing only in certain narrow locations.
Paragraph 1(パラグラフ1)
Paragraph 2(パラグラフ2)
Paragraph 3(パラグラフ3)
Paragraph 4(パラグラフ4)
■Question 1 の解説
Question 1:本文によると、なぜ最近の建物は古い建物よりも先進的と見なされているのでしょうか?
1. 大荒れの天候から一般的にあまり保護を提供されないからです。
2. 古い建築様式には芸術的表現がまったく含まれていなかったからです。
3. 今、建築家は先端技術を設計に取り入れているからです。
4. 石とレンガの資源だけに頼っているからです。
• パラグラフ1で、現代の建築は高度な技術を使うことで、より高く頑丈な建物を実現し、伝統的な建築よりも革新的であると説明されています。
■Question 2 の解説
Question 2: 本文によると、伝統的な建物と現代の建物の大きな違いの一つは何ですか?
1. 歴史的な建造物は様式に関係なく常に現代の建物より大きかったからです。
2. 昔の設計は窓がごくわずかで、新しい建築は外側のガラスを最大限に利用します。
3. 伝統的な建築家は木の骨組みだけで建てていたのに対し、現代の設計者はしばしばそうした素材を避けます。
4. 古い建物は天然の素材に大きく依存していたのに対し、現代の建物はより軽くハイテクな部材を使用しています。
• パラグラフ2によると、昔は石や木材、レンガなどの天然素材が中心で、現代は鋼鉄やガラスなど軽くて新しい素材を用いることが強調されています。選択肢4がこの違いを最も的確に表しています。
■Question 3 の解説
Question 3: 一部の人々が古典的な建築様式をどう考えているかを最もよく表しているのはどの選択肢ですか?
1. 彼らは古いデザインに、時代を超えた不変の長所があると考えています。
2. 彼らは古代の建築が現代の都市景観にはあまりにも凝りすぎていると考えています。
3. 彼らは歴史的建造物には視覚的魅力も目的もないと信じています。
4. 彼らは古典的な様式が特定の狭い場所でしか魅力的に映らないと感じています。
• パラグラフ3には、一部の人々が古典的建築に「時代を超越した魅力がある」と考えていることが述べられています。選択肢1がそれに該当します。


