
Organic chemistry is the study of carbon-based compounds. Scientists investigate how these molecules form, react, and change. They also explore the structure of these compounds, such as how atoms bond and arrange themselves in different configurations. This field covers a wide range of substances, from simple molecules like methane to complicated biological molecules like proteins. It helps us understand the processes in living organisms and develop new materials, medicines, and technologies.
Many students find organic chemistry challenging because it involves learning a new language of structures, reaction mechanisms, and naming rules. For instance, chemists often draw diagrams to illustrate how bonds break and form in certain reactions. They frequently use curved arrows to indicate the movement of electrons. These symbols help clarify why specific transformations happen and predict the products that result from each reaction.
Organic chemistry has important applications in everyday life. It explains why fruits ripen and why foods spoil. It clarifies how plastics form, and it guides the development of new drugs that treat diseases. Researchers regularly discover ways to design safer and more effective products. For example, biodegradable plastics break down more easily in the environment, and improved pharmaceuticals offer targeted treatments with fewer side effects.
Chemists continuously learn new techniques to explore organic molecules. They develop instruments, like nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometers, to examine molecular structures in detail. These tools reveal how atoms connect, which helps scientists create better compounds. Organic chemistry may seem complex, but it provides vital knowledge that drives innovation in medicine, agriculture, and environmental protection. Studying these reactions and principles guides us toward a deeper appreciation of the entire natural world.
Q1. Which description best summarizes the focus of organic chemistry?
- It focuses only on molecules that do not contain hydrogen.
- It covers carbon-based molecules, from small units to proteins.
- It aims to separate living organisms from synthetic plastics.
- It describes how water molecules move through natural processes.
Q2. Why do some learners regard organic chemistry as difficult?
- They see no connection with everyday scientific issues.
- They rarely study reaction steps or molecular structures.
- They must master complex reaction diagrams and tricky naming systems.
- 4. They struggle because organic equations demand advanced math knowledge.
Q3. What practical examples of organic chemistry does the text give?
- It improves the taste of inorganic substances in laboratories.
- It demonstrates how certain fruits become ripe over many weeks.
- It explains the production of plastic items and drug treatments.
- It only focuses on dissolving metals in strong acids.
Paragraph 1 和訳
Paragraph 2 和訳
Paragraph 3 和訳
Paragraph 4 和訳
Question 1 解説
■ 問題文(日本語)
■ 選択肢の日本語訳
1. 「それは水素を含まない分子だけに注目します。」
2. 「それは小さな単位からタンパク質まで、炭素を含む分子を扱います。」
3. 「それは生物を人工プラスチックから切り離すことを目的としています。」
4. 「それは水分子がどのように自然の過程をどのように通過するかを説明します。」
■ 正解
2. It covers carbon-based molecules, from small units to proteins.
■ 理由
Question 2 解説
■ 問題文(日本語)
■ 選択肢の日本語訳
1. 「彼らは日常的な科学的問題とのつながりを感じません。」
2. 「彼らは反応過程や分子構造をほとんど勉強しません。」
3. 「彼らは複雑な反応図や厄介な命名法を習得しなければなりません。」
4. 「彼らは有機化学方程式が高度な数学を要求すると苦労しています。」
■ 正解
3. They must master complex reaction diagrams and tricky naming systems.
■ 理由
Question 3 解説
■ 問題文(日本語)
■ 選択肢の日本語訳
1. 「それは実験室で無機物の味を改善します。」
2. 「それはある種の果物が何週間もかけて熟す様子を示します。」
3. 「それはプラスチック製品の生成方法や医薬品の開発を説明します。」
4. 「それは強い酸を用いて金属を溶かすことだけに焦点を当てています。」
■ 正解
3. It explains the production of plastic items and drug treatments.
■ 理由


