In Japan, there are politicians who serve as ministers in fields unrelated to the discipline which they majored in at university. This situation raises the question of whether they can propose effective policies in areas outside their area of knowledge. The policies, which are announced through mass media led by these politicians, often seem to me ideas that any non-expert might come up with, leaving me to wonder if they truly benefit the entire nation rather than just their supporters. I would like to see ministers who are professionals in their field, not just using the position as a stepping stone to become the Prime Minister.
In Japan there are politicians who serve as ministers in fields unrelated to the discipline which they majored in at university.
- 副詞句: In Japan
- 副詞: there
- 動詞: are
- 主語: politicians
- 関係代名詞節: who serve as ministers in fields unrelated to the discipline which they majored in at university
- 主語: who
- 動詞: serve
- 補語: as ministers
- 副詞句: in fields unrelated to the discipline
- 関係代名詞節: which they majored in at university
- 主語: they
- 動詞: majored
- 副詞句: in at university
This situation raises the question of whether they can propose effective policies in areas outside their area of knowledge.
- 主語: This situation
- 動詞: raises
- 目的語: the question
- 形容詞句: of whether they can propose effective policies in areas outside their area of knowledge
- 間接疑問文: whether they can propose effective policies
- 主語: they
- 助動詞: can
- 動詞: propose
- 目的語: effective policies
- 副詞句: in areas outside their area of knowledge
- 間接疑問文: whether they can propose effective policies
The policies which are announced through mass media led by these politicians often seem to me ideas that any non-expert might come up with leaving me to wonder if they truly benefit the entire nation rather than just their supporters.
- 主語: The policies
- 関係代名詞節: which are announced through mass media led by these politicians
- 主語: which
- 動詞: are announced
- 副詞句: through mass media
- 過去分詞句: led by these politicians
- 副詞: often
- 動詞: seem
- 補語: ideas
- 副詞句: to me
- 関係代名詞節: that any non-expert might come up with
- 主語: any non-expert
- 助動詞: might
- 動詞句: come up with
- 分詞構文(現在分詞): leaving me to wonder if they truly benefit the entire nation rather than just their supporters
- 動詞: leaving
- 目的語: me
- 不定詞: to wonder
- 間接疑問文: if they truly benefit the entire nation rather than just their supporters
- 接続詞: if
- 主語: they
- 副詞: truly
- 動詞: benefit
- 目的語: the entire nation
- 形容詞句: rather than just their supporters
I would like to see ministers who are professionals in their field not just using the position as a stepping stone to become the Prime Minister.
- 主語: I
- 助動詞: would like to
- 動詞: see
- 目的語: ministers
- 関係代名詞節: who are professionals in their field
- 主語: who
- 動詞: are
- 補語: professionals
- 副詞句: in their field
- 分詞構文(現在分詞): not just using the position as a stepping stone to become the Prime Minister
- 副詞: not just
- 動詞: using
- 目的語: the position
- 副詞句: as a stepping stone to become the Prime Minister
関係代名詞 “which”
- the discipline which they majored in at university
- この “which” は、名詞 “the discipline” を修飾し、「彼らが大学で専攻した分野」という意味を付加します。関係代名詞 “which” は、先行詞である “the discipline” に対して詳細を追加する役割を果たしています。
関係代名詞 “who”
- politicians who serve as ministers
- “who” は “politicians” を修飾し、「大臣として勤める政治家たち」という意味を作り出しています。関係代名詞 “who” は、先行詞 “politicians” に関する追加情報を提供するために使われています。
関係代名詞 “which”
- The policies, which are announced through mass media
- この “which” は “policies” を修飾し、「メディアを通じて発表される政策」という意味を持たせています。ここでは非制限用法として使われ、”policies” に関する追加情報を提供します。
関係代名詞 “that”
- ideas that any non-expert might come up with
- “that” はこの文において、名詞 “ideas” を修飾する関係代名詞として使われています。「専門家でない人が考えつくかもしれないアイデア」という意味を表現しています。
分詞構文 “leaving me to wonder”
- “leaving” は分詞構文で、「私に疑問を抱かせる」という結果を表します。この分詞構文は、先行する文全体と結びついて、その結果として何が起きたかを示しています。
分詞構文 “not just using the position”
- “not just using the position as a stepping stone to become the Prime Minister” の部分は分詞構文で、主語が “ministers” であることを前提に、「首相になるための踏み台としての役割を果たすだけではない」という意味を付加しています。これも主語が共通する2つの文を一つにまとめ、文を簡潔にする役割を果たしています。
- serve A as B(AをBとして務める)
- major in(〜を専攻する)
- raise the question(疑問を投げかける)
- propose effective policies(効果的な施策を提案する)
- come up with(思いつく)
- benefit the entire nation(国全体の利益になる)
- stepping stone(踏み台)
- “stepping stone to” は「〜への踏み台」という意味で使われる。