大学入試|英語 構文解釈問題29 難易度:★★★☆☆

高校生 構文解釈





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  • 英文和訳を出題する大学入試にチャレンジする!


Typically, weather predictions rely on ‘It will rain tomorrow,’ indicating a general forecast, or ‘It is going to rain,’ which implies observable signs of soon coming rain. However, thanks to advances in technology such as advanced AI and precise forecasting tools, more accurate weather predictions that challenge our current grammatical expressions may become possible. Even today, tools capable of predicting the weather on an hourly basis can be found on the internet. In a distant future where technology has evolved dramatically, a weather forecaster might confidently state, ‘It is raining tomorrow.’



通常、天気予報は一般的な予測を示す”It will rain tomorrow.”や、”It is going to rain.”(雨が降りそうだ)、これはまもなくやってくる雨の観察可能な兆候を示すが、に依存します。しかし、高度なAIや正確な予測ツールといった、技術の進歩のおかげで、現在の文法表現に異議を唱えるような、より正確な天気予報が実現するかもしれません。現代においても、1時間単位で天気を予測するツールがインターネット上には見受けられます。気象予報士が「明日は雨が降る」と自信を持って言う未来が来るのかもしれませんね。



Typically, weather predictions rely on ‘It will rain tomorrow,’ indicating a general forecast, or ‘It is going to rain,’ which implies observable signs of soon coming rain.

  • 副詞: Typically
  • 主語: weather predictions
  • 動詞: rely on
  • 目的語: ‘It will rain tomorrow,’ indicating a general forecast, or ‘It is going to rain,’ which implies observable signs of soon coming rain
    • 目的語: ‘It will rain tomorrow’
      • 主語: It
      • 助動詞: will
      • 動詞: rain
      • 副詞句: tomorrow
    • 形容詞句(現在分詞): indicating a general forecast
      • 現在分詞: indicating
      • 目的語: a general forecast
    • 接続詞: or
    • 動詞句: ‘It is going to rain’
      • 主語: It
      • 動詞: is going to
      • 動詞: rain
    • 関係代名詞節: which implies observable signs of soon coming rain
      • 関係代名詞: which
      • 動詞: implies
      • 目的語: observable signs of soon coming rain
        • 名詞句: observable signs
          • 形容詞: observable
          • 名詞: signs
        • 形容詞句: of soon coming rain
          • 前置詞: of
          • 目的語: soon coming rain
            • 形容詞: soon coming
            • 名詞: rain

However, thanks to advances in technology such as advanced AI and precise forecasting tools, more accurate weather predictions that challenge our current grammatical expressions may become possible.

  • 接続副詞: However
  • 副詞句: thanks to advances in technology such as advanced AI and precise forecasting tools
    • 前置詞: thanks to
    • 名詞句: advances in technology such as advanced AI and precise forecasting tools
      • 名詞: advances
      • 前置詞句: in technology
      • 形容詞句: such as advanced AI and precise forecasting tools
  • 主語: more accurate weather predictions that challenge our current grammatical expressions
    • 名詞: more accurate weather predictions
    • 関係代名詞節: that challenge our current grammatical expressions
      • 関係代名詞: that
      • 動詞: challenge
      • 目的語: our current grammatical expressions
  • 動詞: may become
  • 補語: possible

Even today, tools capable of predicting the weather on an hourly basis can be found on the internet.

  • 副詞: Even today
  • 主語: tools capable of predicting the weather on an hourly basis
    • 名詞: tools
    • 形容詞句: capable of predicting the weather on an hourly basis
      • 形容詞: capable
      • 副詞句: of predicting the weather on an hourly basis
        • 動名詞: predicting
        • 目的語: the weather
          • 副詞句: on an hourly basis
  • 動詞: can be found
  • 場所の副詞句: on the internet

In a distant future where technology has evolved dramatically, a weather forecaster might confidently state, ‘It is raining tomorrow.’

  • 副詞句: In a distant future where technology has evolved dramatically
    • 前置詞: In
    • 名詞句: a distant future
    • 関係副詞節: where technology has evolved dramatically
      • 関係副詞: where
      • 主語: technology
      • 動詞: has evolved
      • 副詞: dramatically
  • 主語: a weather forecaster
  • 副詞: confidently
  • 動詞: might state
  • 目的語: ‘It is raining tomorrow.’


indicating a general forecast

  • 現在分詞: “indicating” は現在分詞で、文中では目的語を修飾しています。
  • 目的語: “a general forecast” は現在分詞 “indicating” の目的語です。

capable of predicting the weather on an hourly basis

  • 形容詞句: “capable of predicting the weather on an hourly basis” は “tools” を修飾する形容詞句です。
  • 前置詞句: “of predicting the weather on an hourly basis” は “capable” の補語です。
    • 動名詞句: “predicting the weather on an hourly basis” は “of” の目的語です。

where technology has evolved dramatically

  • 関係副詞節: “where technology has evolved dramatically” は “a distant future” を修飾する関係副詞節です。


thanks to

  • “thanks to” は「~のおかげで」という意味です。例: “thanks to advances in technology” (技術の進歩のおかげで)。








