An off-duty police officer was about to leave a store when he saw a customer causing minor inconvenience to another customer by blocking the aisle and making it difficult for others to pass. It is no good addressing the situation as he didn’t have his tools or uniform with him, and the incident was not serious enough to warrant immediate action. He may well control his sense of justice since, in fact, his colleagues would likely react in the same way, choosing to avoid unnecessary confrontation in such a minor scenario.
An off-duty police officer was about to leave a store when he saw a customer causing minor inconvenience to another customer by blocking the aisle and making it difficult for others to pass.
- 主語: An off-duty police officer
- 動詞句: was about to leave
- 目的語: a store
- 従属節 (when節): when he saw a customer causing minor inconvenience to another customer by blocking the aisle and making it difficult for others to pass
- 主語: he
- 動詞: saw
- 目的語: a customer causing minor inconvenience to another customer
- 目的語: a customer
- 現在分詞: causing
- 目的語: minor inconvenience to another customer
- 前置詞句: by blocking the aisle and making it difficult for others to pass
- 前置詞: by
- 動名詞+目的語: blocking the aisle
- 接続詞: and
- 動名詞: making
- 形式目的語: it
- 補語: difficult
- 真目的語: for others to pass
It is no good addressing the situation as he didn’t have his tools or uniform with him, and the incident was not serious enough to warrant immediate action.
- 形式主語: It
- 動詞句: is
- 補語: no good
- 動名詞句: addressing the situation
- 従属節 (as節): as he didn’t have his tools or uniform with him, and the incident was not serious enough to warrant immediate action
- 主語: he
- 動詞句: didn’t have
- 目的語: his tools or uniform
- 副詞句: with him
- 接続詞: and
- 主語: the incident
- 動詞: was
- 副詞: not
- 補語: serious
- 副詞句: enough to warrant immediate action
He may well control his sense of justice since, in fact, his colleagues would likely react in the same way, choosing to avoid unnecessary confrontation in such a minor scenario.
- 主語: He
- 動詞句: may well control
- 目的語: his sense of justice
- 従属節 (since節): since, in fact, his colleagues would likely react in the same way, choosing to avoid unnecessary confrontation in such a minor scenario
- 接続詞: since
- 副詞句: in fact
- 主語: his colleagues
- 動詞句: would likely react
- 副詞句: in the same way
- 分詞構文: choosing to avoid unnecessary confrontation in such a minor scenario
be about to(まさに~しようとしている)
- 未来の行動を直前で表す表現。
- He was about to leave.(彼はまさに出発しようとしていた。)
- 知覚動詞構文
- saw a customer causing(客が~を引き起こすのを見た)
may well do(~するのももっともだ)
- 理にかなった行動や推測を示す表現。
- You may well be tired.(疲れているのももっともだ。)
it is no good doing(~しても無駄である)
- 労力や時間をかけても効果がないことを示す表現。
- It is no good trying to convince him.(彼を説得しようとしても無駄である。)
see 目的語 doing(~が~しているのを目撃する)
- 知覚動詞構文。目的語が何かをしているのを目撃することを示す表現。
- She saw him leaving the house.(彼が家を出るのを彼女は見た。)